Skeleton Coast 9789994576869

240,00 NAD each

Skeleton Coast

The dramatic rescue operation of the Dunedin Star

by John Marsh

ISBN 9789994576869

Namibia Scientific Society/Kuiseb Publishers, 2023

The author John Marsh began writing about nautical subjects at the age of fourteen. He wrote in his preface: “This is the most remarkable shipwreck- and rescue story that has come my way in twenty years of waterfront reporting.”

The ship, the Dunedin Star, ran aground at the Skeleton Coast of then South West Africa in 1942/43.

When the call for aid came from the helpless men, women and children, marooned on that desert beach, the men of the South African Naval Forces, the Air Force, the Army and Police and the Administration for Railways and Harbours and even the Royal Navy got together to organize this amazing rescue operation.

An index has been added to this edition to make the publication more accessible to historians.