Rukwangali: Common Expressions and Phrases 9789994573172

75,00 NAD each


Common Expressions and Phrases

Mbenzi, Petrus Angula    

ISBN 9789994573172

Published in 2017 by Namtranslation Services cc, Namibia

This booklet contains survival phrases that you need when chatting to Rukwangali speakers in Namibia. The phrases in the pocket guide are used in every day conversations, therefore, it is easy to memorize them as you will hear them quite often. You simply pronounce the words the way you see them on paper. The phrases are presented according to various themes such as greetings, introductions, love, birthday wishes, sympathy, condolences, telephone, best wishes, time, taxi, gas station, health care, responses to bad and good news, expressing goodwill, encouragement and reassurance, proverbs shopping and weather. The phrases are presented in the spoken language to facilitate the learning process, therefore sound influences have been adhered to as strictly as possible. 

Although efforts have been made to provide equivalent phrases in English, there are Rukwangali phrases which are culture specific and have no equivalents in English. In such cases, explanations have been provided in English to demonstrate when and how such phrases may be used. The words of respects as they appear on page 23 of the pocket guide are very important in Rukwangali conversation.