Junior Ranger of Africa 9789991698342

295,00 NAD each

Junior Ranger of Africa

Kambaku Wildlife College

ISBN 9789991698465

Publishes in November 2021

160 colour pages, Format A5

Available in English, French & German

This beautiful, fun and informative booklet is for Junior Rangers at the age of 9 to 14 and is also great for their parents. It's also suitable for travelers looking for a preparation or a reference book for their tour to Southern African countries.

The 5 chapters of the book answer some of the most important questions around our Wildlife in Africa and our place as humans in it. Questions like: Where to find animals? Who lives in Africa – plants and animals? Who eats what? How do we survive amidst it? How is a rangers live? are answered in a lively, colourful while scientifically well-founded way. It is interactive with quizzes, exciting facts, fun home-works and many pictures and illustrations: A greatcompanion and preparation for an adventure in Africa but also a joyful and informative read at home.


About Kambaku Wildlife College

The Kambaku Wildlife College has been founded in 2015. We are situated in centralNamibia and accredited with the Namibian government for vocational education,especially for field guides in a two years apprenticeship program. We aim to promotenature awareness and conservation. And where else best to start then with our kids?Therefore during the corona pandemic we developed the “Junior Ranger of Africa Book”for young naturalists. It shall give a first insight into the magic of African nature and sparkthe interest of our future conservationists